Sep 8, 2010

Burn Baby Burn

On 9/11 some members of the Christian Taliban plan on burring copies of the Koran.  What better way to commemorate one act of terror with another.  Don’t get me wrong.  I whole heartedly support the first amendment and part of freedom’s price is tolerance for David Koresh wannabes who, if given the chance would throw away our founding documents for a Castro style Tudor theocracy.  Wow.  That was brilliant. I should stop here.
Since these book burning nut jobs claim to be doing the lord’s work I went to the source.  Before continuing I need to issue a disclaimer.  All of my Biblical knowledge is limited to English translations of Latin translations of Greek translations of Hebrew translations of Aramaic translations of words that were copied down from what was essentially a centuries long game of telephone. So maybe there is a margin of error in my research and I should be open to the possibility that Jesus was an arsonist of the first order. 
Using three different Bibles, one where every sentence begins with thee, thy and thou, one presented to me on the day of my confirmation that appears to have more chapters than the ones placed in hotel rooms by the Gideons and a version handed to me on a nice spring day by street corner preacher I commenced research.  Much to my surprise I could not find a single example of the J man burning a book or commanding his followers to do so.  Now I did find endorsements for stem cell research (healing leapers), open borders (the Good Samaritan) and financial reform (kicking the money changers out of the temple).  Other things I learned from my research is that a truly righteous and holy man eats sushi (loaves and fishes) and swills wine to the point of passing out (the bottomless wine bar of Cana). 

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