May 6, 2010

Too Much Democracy?

The latest wacky idea to emerge from the Tea Monkeys is repeal of the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. To refresh your memory the 17th Amendment changed the way U.S. Senators are selected to office. Prior to the 17th Amendment U.S. Senators were chosen by state legislators and not a vote of the people.

Why this? Why now? Some folks believe repeal of the 17th Amendment would weaken the stranglehold of the special interest. As if corporations and labor unions don’t wield any influence at the state level. Others believe that repeal would lead to a more conservative Senate which would block things like stimulus packages and healthcare reform. Someone with my political leanings might view this as yet another attempt by the tea movement to deny voting rights to minorities and the working class. Remember this is the same crowd that cheered Tom Tancredo’s suggestion of brining back “Jim Crow Era” voting restrictions.

So what would this change mean for America? Right now Democrats control 27 state legislatures, republicans dominate in 14 with 8 state houses divided. In Nebraska the legislature is technically non partisan. Assuming an even split between the 8 divided states that would give democrats a 62-38 majority or filibuster proof plus 2. 5 of the 8 states with divided legislatures have democratic governors which could boost the democratic majority to 64. Under the pre 17th Amendment system there would be no Scott Brown, Chuck Grassely or Mitch McConnell. It is likely that there would be no traitor Joe Lieberman as well. The bottom line is that the U.S. Congress would be getting more things done. There would be public option health insurance. Instead of begging the Germans and Chinese to share their “green technologies” the U.S. might be leading the way. Who knows? We might have federal regulators who actually do their jobs instead of spending their days viewing porn on the internets.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One reason to appeal the 17th amendment was that the State Legislature would have more pressure on the state representative and less influence of large out of state interests. I could see appealing the amendment for those reasons.

We definitely should have some type of term limits. I am tired of some congressman from some other state having more influence on my state when they do not know what we need. Lets make my point smaller. Nice article.

We need to stop having a senator go in to congress as a poor boy and come out a Millionaire 20 to 50 years later.