Apr 19, 2010

Annie Get Your Gun

On April 19th gun enthusiast from all across the country descended on Washington DC to celebrate the lives and times of Timothy McVeigh and David Koresh. For our younger readers McVeigh and Koresh were mass murders who committed their acts of terror one year apart on April 19. One would think that an event celebrating the virtues of the second amendment would be held on March 19th Wyatt Erp’s birthday or on any other day not associated with white radical Christian terror. Imagine the outcry if Muslims assembled for a gathering in NYC on September 11th. It wouldn’t matter what the gathering was about the mere coincidence would be enough to cause Rudy Giuliani’s head to explode.

Apr 14, 2010

Party like it's 1859

On April 15th in Boise and other cities across this nation there will be a series of anti-America rallies a.k.a. “tea parties.” Allegedly these gatherings will consist of folks opposed to taxes, spending and big government. In Boise the tea monkeys will assemble in a public park paid for by taxes. The monkeys will then march down streets and sidewalks escorted by police officers all paid for by…anyone…Bueller… taxes. Marchers will then descend on the steps of the Idaho Capitol, a facility built, remodeled and maintained with tax dollars. Oh and let’s not forget that this rally will take place on April 15th, a Thursday, a day when a majority of us who pay taxes will be working. Or to put it another way, the majority of the tea marchers will consist of the unemployed and retirees. Chances are that one of those misspelled “Obama is a Marksist” signs will have been paid for with the proceeds from a government check and carried by someone with a Medicare card in their pocket.

Apr 9, 2010

Celebrating Treason

Imagine the outrage if Japan made December 7th a national holiday complete with parades and reenactments of Pearl Harbor and the Bataan Death March.  There is a wing at ADX Florence (the U.S. Government’s super max prison) reserved for those who commit treason.   In my mind to be stabbed in the back by one’s own countryman is more heinous than some foreign whack job trying to set shoes afire on a loaded airplane. 

Yet disdain for treason seems to escape the governor of Virginia who declared April “Confederate History Month”.  Supporters are quick to claim that this is nothing more than a celebration of history and heritage.  To that I say “bull hockey” (no offense to my Canadian friends).  If the mayor of Berlin declared September to be Nazi Heritage month complete with displays of the Swastika he would be arrested and thrown into jail.  In this day and age when tea monkeys are complaining about imagined capitulation to America’s enemies why would anyone want to admire and memorialize any movement especially a home grown one dedicated to slavery and destruction of the republic?  I think I know the answer to my own question but the thought of “going there” is making me sick.

Apr 2, 2010

America's Most Wanted

As I write this Manuel Noriega is rotting in a federal prison for participating in a conspiracy to export drugs into the U.S. At the heart of the conviction is something called RICO which basically says that if you knowingly help someone commit a crime it is the same as if you perpetrated the offense.

Enter Joseph Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict XVI. Prior to becoming pope Cardinal Ratzinger served as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Think of the Perfect as Batman’s man servant Alfred , Tony Soprano’s capo Silvio or Bruce Springsteen’s saxophone player Clarence Clemmons. In his capacity as Prefect Ratzinger participated in the cover up of crimes against children perpetrated by catholic clergy. There is no difference between Ratzinger and fugitive Simon Lopez-Orozco, a man wanted in Idaho for helping his brother, a murderer sneak out of the country.

Now maybe I’ve watched too many episodes of Law and Order Special Victims Unit but in my mind crimes against children are bit more serious than drug trafficking. A drug user chooses (or at least makes the initial first choice to try drugs) to become a victim. In spite of what Bill O’Reilly may say children do not make such choice.

So my question is this. Why not arrest the pope? No man is above the law, including a guy who wears gowns and big pointy hats. While it took a couple of seal teams, some green berets and the better part of the 7th division to capture Noriega we should be able to snag the pope with a squad of boy scouts whom have earned the rifle shooting merit badge. Think about it. The Vatican Army consists of couple dozen guys, dressed like extras from the Shakespeare Festival armed with swords and pointy sticks. Sure pikes were bad ass around 900 AD but no match for the good old American Smith and Weston. Recall that scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark where Indiana shoots the swordsman in the bizarre with his pistol and you get the picture. How can we call ourselves a nation of laws while Pope Benedict and a good portion of the U.S. Council of Bishops are allowed to freely walk the streets?