Apr 14, 2010

Party like it's 1859

On April 15th in Boise and other cities across this nation there will be a series of anti-America rallies a.k.a. “tea parties.” Allegedly these gatherings will consist of folks opposed to taxes, spending and big government. In Boise the tea monkeys will assemble in a public park paid for by taxes. The monkeys will then march down streets and sidewalks escorted by police officers all paid for by…anyone…Bueller… taxes. Marchers will then descend on the steps of the Idaho Capitol, a facility built, remodeled and maintained with tax dollars. Oh and let’s not forget that this rally will take place on April 15th, a Thursday, a day when a majority of us who pay taxes will be working. Or to put it another way, the majority of the tea marchers will consist of the unemployed and retirees. Chances are that one of those misspelled “Obama is a Marksist” signs will have been paid for with the proceeds from a government check and carried by someone with a Medicare card in their pocket.

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