Feb 26, 2010

You Go Girl

If there is anything I've learned from culturally insensitive sterotypes is that the only thing Canadians love more than their hockey is a good stiff drink.  So why on Koresh's green earth would anyone be shocked that the Canada's women's Olympic Hockey team would celebrate their gold medal victory with cigars and a few barley pops. 

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is investigating the post game celebration that took place on the ice long after the fans and any impressionable youngsters cleared the building. What is there to investigate?  The IOC bills its self as an organization of sport, peace and cultural understanding.  For Canadians drinking is as cultural as a Chinese dragon dance or fighting on St. Patrick's day. 

So I say to our neighbors to the north congragulations.  Stay proud and stand on guard for thee.

Feb 18, 2010

Dog Eat Dog

Driving through the vast rangeland of Idaho with nothing but country and baby Jesus music on the radio my mind tends to wander.  On a recent trip for the day job I drove past a vast cattle feedlot (at least 5000 head if not more) and got to thinking about the ethics of eating meat.  Specifically why do we eat beef and not dogs.  Here is what I came up with ...

1) I personify my dog; imposing on my pampered pet human feelings, behavior and emotion.  Eating my dog would be akin to cannibalism.

2) Watching my dog and her behavior and habits on a daily basis lets just say sanitary issues would lead me to seriously consider death by starvation over life saving nourishment from a dog.

3) I don't know the first thing about how properly butcher or cook dog.

4) I have other tasty food alternatives.

Now the only real ethical difference between eating a dog and eating a cow, pig, fish or chicken is space.  If I had a bovine living in my backyard and had to raise it, watch it on a daily basis and butcher it myself I doubt I would be able to eat any cow.

Feb 12, 2010

My Take on the Winter Olympic Opening Ceremonies

  • I smell James Cameron. Canada can't look that beautiful.  It must be CGI.
  • 10 minutes after his introduction no one remembers the name of the Canadian Prime minister.
  • I wonder how many Chinese Olympians will be shot for not winning medals. 
  • Someone forgot to tell the Kenyans that there are no marathons at the winter games.
  • The Germans are marching behind the French which might  explain why everyone in the French delegation has both hands high in the air.
  • Hey, how come Minnesota gets its own team.  Oh my bad its the Norwegians.
  • I wonder if the Russians waived to Sarah Palin on their way to the games.
  • I'm convinced that some of these countries are made up so that ceremonies will last longer and allow NBC to sell more ads.  
  • OMG Carrot Top made the U.S. team.  Correction, Mrs. Miller informs me that its not Carrot Top but some guy they call the Tomato who competes in one of those dope smoker sports.
  • I know the opening ceremonies represent the host nation's culture but was really necessary to club that baby seal.  If you really need to club something make it Tom Green.
  • Tomorrow I'm heading to Best Buy to price one of those video floors.
  • Now some poet is defining Canada.  Well I can describe Canada in two words "America's Hat".  

Feb 11, 2010

La La Bamba

This week marks the second anniversary of the Continental 3407 crash.   In this era when everyone goes  bat S crazy over the failure to torture any dark skinned male over the fear that his fourth cousin might try to take down a plane with exploding gonads I am amazed that folks are unwilling to stand up to corporate greed and insist on a few simple measures that would actually save lives in the skies; more air traffic controllers, increasing the amount of flight hours experience before one can fly a commercial aircraft, tighter enforcement of crew rest rules to name a few.  

Right now the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has a list of 500 recommendations for improving airline safety. Some of the NTSB's recommendations are 20 years old.  In a week where we have learned that safe reliable Toyotas might not be safe nor reliable and that corn based sugar infects nearly everything we eat, that America would wise up and take on the low hanging fruit that would help our people live longer and happier lives.  Sadly we seem to be too drunk on tea to really notice or care. 

Feb 9, 2010

Sister Sarah and Me

So here is a picture of my hand taken immediately after meeting Sarah Palin.  I was a bit spooked when, after using her right hand to greet the 50 or so ahead of me in line, Sarah suddenly switched offering me her left.  

Feb 8, 2010

My Take on the Super Bowl

  • Katrina - I get it.  Katrina was bad, people were sad and the Saints make everything all better.  But just take a time out and think about the poor people of Indianapolis.  At least the folks in New Orleans have Mardi Gras, great food and jazz.  Imagine being sentenced to a lifetime in Indianapolis listening to John Cougar Mellencamp and eating Orville Redenbacher Popcorn.
  • The Game - Awesome!  Few penalties and turnovers, some gutsy calls and drama all the way to the bitter end.
  • Commercials the Good - Betty White, the little kid who tells his mom's gentleman caller to keep his hands off his mom and his Doritos and the "slug bug" VW commercial.
  • Commercials the Bad - Anything with half naked men or portraying Budweiser as a safe alternative to crack.
  • Commercials the Weird - The Kia toys commercial.  I guess one must be high to truly appreciate aesthetics of Kia.  And what was up with Tim Tebow tackling his mom.  Kind of oedipul if you ask  me.
  • The Who -  Loved their 12 minute melody of CSI theme songs.
  • Most Touching Moment - Drew Brees holding his little boy on podium with the Lombardi Trophy nearby.

Feb 7, 2010

Sister Sarah and the "R" Word

So let me see if I got this right.  It is wrong to say "Re..." in the context of criticizing you political allies in a private meeting.  However, it is okay for a convicted drug abuser to say "Re..." 40 times in public on a nationally syndicated hate radio show.  Now with these hurtful words it comes down to historical context which is why it is okay for an African American to use the "N"  word or for a gay person to use the slur "Fa..." but not okay for me to utter those words.  I get that.  So to recap its okay for the guy who played Corky (Chris Burke) in Life Goes On to scream "Re..." from the top of his lungs but not alright for Mrs. Avenger or I to utter that same term.

With that in mind enter Sarah Palin (Tea Monkey Quitter from Alaska).  This  week Sarah P called for the firing of Obama's Chief of staff for his use of "R" word in a closed door meeting.  Picking up the story Drugs Limbaugh uttered the offensive "R" word at least 40 times on his Thursday broadcast.  So when given the opportunity this AM on Fox News Sunday to show that she is truly outraged by the use of the "R" word and call for the firing of Limbaugh, Sarah gave him a pass. Once again proving that as far as Sister Sarah is concerned paycheck will trump family and principle every time.

Or maybe based on what I said about context, that it is okay to use those words if you are from the group slurred by said words, it should be okay for Rush to scream the "R" word as much as he wants.

Feb 5, 2010

A Tale of Two Cities

Two stories on the evening news highlighted the danger of ignoring history.  The first was a story about an African American U.S. Park Ranger by the name of Spirit Trickey-Rowan who leads tours at the Little Rock Central Historical landmark. On September 24, 1957 Spirit's mom, Minnijean Brown was one of nine students escorted by troops from 101st Airborne past angry mobs and a defiant governor into the building, fulfilling a court order to desegregate the school.

The second story came out of Nashville Tennessee, home to the national tea party convention.  Addressing delegates Grand Wizard Tom Tancreto declared that Obama was elected because "...we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country." A reference to a practice used in the old south to keep black folks from voting. 

Maybe I shouldn't get too upset.  Slap a science question or two on that test and watch the democrats pick up 98 seats in the senate. But I have to remind myself about a failed Austrian painter who was initially  looked upon as clown but went on to become chancellor of Germany.

Cover Songs

Here is a list of my favorite cover songs. I'm not saying these are the best cover songs just some favorites that happen to be on the Pod. In preparing this list I debated what constitutes a cover song? For example is Carol King's version of Up on the Roof a cover? Two artists recorded the song before she did yet King actually wrote the song. Or what about Tea in the Sahara originally recorded by the Police but then re-recorded by Sting on Bring on the Night? Well with that said here is my list. I would be interested to hear about some of your favorite covers.

10. What a Wonderful World - Joey Ramone - This song has always held a special place in my heart since it ( The Louie Armstrong Version) was the one the brand new Mrs. Avenger and I danced to at our wedding. I guess what draws me to this version is that it was one of the last songs Joey recorded before he died of cancer. Imagine you are dying, everyone around you knows it and is willing to let you record any song you want and this is the one you pick

9. Mississippi -Dixie Chicks - Written by Bob Dylan this is just one of many Dylan songs that sound so much better when sung by others. I saw the Chicks perform this one on Austin City Limits and thus it was love at first sight or should I say hear.

8. Take Me to the River - Talking Heads - Written and recorded by the Rev. Al Green, this song played second fiddle to the song Sha La La (Make Me Happy) on Rev. Al's Al Green Explores Your Mind. The Talking Heads version made to #26 on Billboard and 117 on the Rolling Stone top 500 list. For me (and I think this is the case with most Talking Head's songs) its Tina Weymouth's bass playing that draws me in.

7. Suspicious Minds - Fine Young Canibals - The Elvis version checks in at 91 on Rolling Stone's list of greatest songs of all time. Not that Rolling Stone has a lot of credibility in my mind. What I like best about this song is the guitar riffs. In fact had guitarist Andy Cox played on the Elvis version... all I can say is wow!

6. Any cover performed by the Coors - The Coors - See the pattern here. There is just something about singing Irish gals (Natalie Merchant is half Irish) that does it for me. Check out the Coors version of Ruby Tuesday or When the Stars Go Blue .

5. Peace Train - 10,000 Maniacs - I am a sucker for Natalie Merchant's voice. If I were a blind man Natalie's songs both solo and with the Maniacs is what I would use to... okay enough said. For a while this track was hard to come by. Upset over Cat Steven's comments concerning the fatwa against Salmon Rushdie Peace Train was dropped from the CD release of In My Tribe.

4. Little Green Bag - Tom Jones and The Bare Naked Ladies - Most people are familiar with the George Baker Selection version as the opening song used in Quentin Tarantino film Reservoir Dogs. The contrary vocals match up well with the flux pacing of the song.

3. A Little Help From My Friends (Woodstock Version) - Joe Crocker - I just like the way this song is arranged. It just seems to me that Joe was made to sing this song.

2. Monkey Man - The Specials - Recorded by the Maytals in 1969 this sardonic song was inspired by a corrupt manager that stole the band's money. Some of the other artist that have recorded this song include Reel Big Fish, Amy Winehouse (movie Run Fat Boy Run) and the Wiggles.

1. Hurt - Johnny Cash - Originally recorded by Nine Inch Nails and produced by the legendary Rick Rubin is one of the most haunting songs I've ever heard.

Feb 4, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again

After some time off to soul search and play around with Facebook I am relaunching the Gem State Avenger.  So here is how this works.  My point of view  will appear in blue.  Items made up for parody and affect will appear in red. Guest commentators will bare their souls in green. Stuff quoted verbatim will show up in black. 

Now a bit about me.  I was raised Catholic and spent my formative years in one of the church's indoctrination camps.  These days I consider myself more of deist.  I believe in God but do not subscribe to the notion that a book, institution, or historical figure has a monopoly on the supreme entity's will or teachings. The most christian guy I know is a local rabbi.  I'm generally liberal when it comes to most things but think that it is time to reconsider nuclear power and don't have a problem with people owning guns.  I love football, movies, music, history, dogs and computerized strategy games.  I follow politics rather closely but do so more out of obsession than enjoyment. 

One last thing.  I love to play with words, names and phrases.  I will use this post to keep a running tab.  
  • Tea Monkey/Ditto Monkey - AM talk show conservative.
  • Hate Radio - AM talk radio
  • Swear to Koresh - Instead of besmirching God why not go after someone who claimed to be God.
  • Sally's Boy Toy - My mother in-law's partner.
  • WDM PD Blue - My brother the police officer
  • Jerry the First - My dad
  • Crack Vision - High Definition Television
  • Bozo State (Donkeys) - Boise State University
  • The Snooze - Local television news
  • F on the Family - Focus on the Family
  • Fish Wrap - Newspaper 
  • Jesus Channel 7 - Boise's local NBC affiliate 
  • Faux News - Fox News
  • Red Curtain - Anyplace in Idaho other than the City of Boise or Blaine County.