Feb 18, 2010

Dog Eat Dog

Driving through the vast rangeland of Idaho with nothing but country and baby Jesus music on the radio my mind tends to wander.  On a recent trip for the day job I drove past a vast cattle feedlot (at least 5000 head if not more) and got to thinking about the ethics of eating meat.  Specifically why do we eat beef and not dogs.  Here is what I came up with ...

1) I personify my dog; imposing on my pampered pet human feelings, behavior and emotion.  Eating my dog would be akin to cannibalism.

2) Watching my dog and her behavior and habits on a daily basis lets just say sanitary issues would lead me to seriously consider death by starvation over life saving nourishment from a dog.

3) I don't know the first thing about how properly butcher or cook dog.

4) I have other tasty food alternatives.

Now the only real ethical difference between eating a dog and eating a cow, pig, fish or chicken is space.  If I had a bovine living in my backyard and had to raise it, watch it on a daily basis and butcher it myself I doubt I would be able to eat any cow.

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