Feb 5, 2010

Cover Songs

Here is a list of my favorite cover songs. I'm not saying these are the best cover songs just some favorites that happen to be on the Pod. In preparing this list I debated what constitutes a cover song? For example is Carol King's version of Up on the Roof a cover? Two artists recorded the song before she did yet King actually wrote the song. Or what about Tea in the Sahara originally recorded by the Police but then re-recorded by Sting on Bring on the Night? Well with that said here is my list. I would be interested to hear about some of your favorite covers.

10. What a Wonderful World - Joey Ramone - This song has always held a special place in my heart since it ( The Louie Armstrong Version) was the one the brand new Mrs. Avenger and I danced to at our wedding. I guess what draws me to this version is that it was one of the last songs Joey recorded before he died of cancer. Imagine you are dying, everyone around you knows it and is willing to let you record any song you want and this is the one you pick

9. Mississippi -Dixie Chicks - Written by Bob Dylan this is just one of many Dylan songs that sound so much better when sung by others. I saw the Chicks perform this one on Austin City Limits and thus it was love at first sight or should I say hear.

8. Take Me to the River - Talking Heads - Written and recorded by the Rev. Al Green, this song played second fiddle to the song Sha La La (Make Me Happy) on Rev. Al's Al Green Explores Your Mind. The Talking Heads version made to #26 on Billboard and 117 on the Rolling Stone top 500 list. For me (and I think this is the case with most Talking Head's songs) its Tina Weymouth's bass playing that draws me in.

7. Suspicious Minds - Fine Young Canibals - The Elvis version checks in at 91 on Rolling Stone's list of greatest songs of all time. Not that Rolling Stone has a lot of credibility in my mind. What I like best about this song is the guitar riffs. In fact had guitarist Andy Cox played on the Elvis version... all I can say is wow!

6. Any cover performed by the Coors - The Coors - See the pattern here. There is just something about singing Irish gals (Natalie Merchant is half Irish) that does it for me. Check out the Coors version of Ruby Tuesday or When the Stars Go Blue .

5. Peace Train - 10,000 Maniacs - I am a sucker for Natalie Merchant's voice. If I were a blind man Natalie's songs both solo and with the Maniacs is what I would use to... okay enough said. For a while this track was hard to come by. Upset over Cat Steven's comments concerning the fatwa against Salmon Rushdie Peace Train was dropped from the CD release of In My Tribe.

4. Little Green Bag - Tom Jones and The Bare Naked Ladies - Most people are familiar with the George Baker Selection version as the opening song used in Quentin Tarantino film Reservoir Dogs. The contrary vocals match up well with the flux pacing of the song.

3. A Little Help From My Friends (Woodstock Version) - Joe Crocker - I just like the way this song is arranged. It just seems to me that Joe was made to sing this song.

2. Monkey Man - The Specials - Recorded by the Maytals in 1969 this sardonic song was inspired by a corrupt manager that stole the band's money. Some of the other artist that have recorded this song include Reel Big Fish, Amy Winehouse (movie Run Fat Boy Run) and the Wiggles.

1. Hurt - Johnny Cash - Originally recorded by Nine Inch Nails and produced by the legendary Rick Rubin is one of the most haunting songs I've ever heard.

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