Apr 8, 2011

Republicans for Cancer?

As I write this the government is on the verge of shutting down.  This fight has nothing to do with deficit.  If congress was really concerned about our national debt they would be cutting defense, ending Ag subsidies and raising taxes on millionaires.  This fight is all about the Tea Party and their insatiable thirst for Cancer.
See the tea infused GOFP want to zero fund Planned Parenthood and neuter EPA's ability  to enforce environmental regulations.  Since the Hyde amendment  prevents federal funds from being used for abortions cuts to Planned Parenthood will mean less birth control (growing the pool for more abortions) and fewer screenings for lady cancers. 

Orders for the EPA restrictions are coming directly from the desk of the Koch Brothers the billionaire bastards who view this country as their own personal septic tank.  With environmental related cancers on the rise one would think that anyone who gave a rat's tail about the right to life issue would really think twice 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In reference to the Kock brothers you sound like James P. Hoffa. If I didn't know better I'd say its a quote from him...........Your Bro.